Two years ago, Apple introduced the iPhone Pro line with the launch of the original iPhone Pro, iPhone Pro Max, and iPhone Pro XS. Now that 2019 has arrived, the time has come for an update to this best-selling lineup, with the official launch of the iPhone 11 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro Max. To help you decide which one you should buy, we’ve compiled all of the differences between these two devices in this helpful article about iPhone 11 Pro Max vs iPhone 12 Pro Max.
1) Confusion about naming
The new iPhone 12 lineup has caused some confusion with its naming. The Pro models are the high-end iPhones while the non-Pro models are the more budget-friendly options. So, which one should you get? If you’re looking at the top of the line, it’s the iPhone 12 Pro Max. But if you want a more affordable option, the iPhone 11 Pro Max is still a great choice.
2) Availability – When will be available
The iPhone 8 Pro Max was released on September 22, 2017, while the iPhone 12 Pro Max was released on November 13, 2020. So, if you’re looking for the newest phone on the market, the 12 Pro Max is your best bet. However, if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, the 8 Pro Max might be a better choice for you.
3) Price – Who pays the most
The iPhone 8 Pro Max was released in September 2017 and has a current retail price of $1099. The iPhone 12 Pro Max was released in November 2020 and has a current retail price of $1499. So, the iPhone 12 Pro Max costs $400 more than the iPhone 8 Pro Max.
4) The screen size – why it’s important
The iPhone 8 Pro Max has a 6.5-inch screen while the iPhone 12 Pro Max has a 6.7-inch screen. That may not seem like much of a difference, but it can be significant when it comes to using your phone for tasks such as reading or browsing the web. A larger screen can also be helpful if you have poor vision or if you simply want to see more of what’s going on around you.
5) Camera resolution – more megapixels are not always better
The iPhone 8 Pro Max has a dual-camera system with 12MP wide and telephoto cameras. The iPhone 12 Pro Max also has a dual-camera system, but with an updated sensor that gives it an edge in low-light photography. If you’re looking for the best camera phone, the iPhone 12 Pro Max is the clear winner. But if you’re not interested in spending that much money, the iPhone 8 Pro Max is still a great option.
6) Battery life – how long can it last
When it comes to battery life, the iPhone 8 Pro Max offers up to 20 hours of talk time, 12 hours of internet use, and 14 hours of video playback. The iPhone 12 Pro Max, on the other hand, offers up to 20 hours of talk time, 12 hours of internet use, and 17 hours of video playback. So, if you’re looking for a phone that can last a long time without needing a charge, the iPhone 12 Pro Max is the better option.
7) Design – what do they look like
When it comes to design, the iPhone 8 Pro Max looks very similar to the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Both phones have a large display, a metal frame, and a glass back. The main difference is that the iPhone 8 Pro Max has a Home button, while the iPhone 12 Pro Max does not.
8) Software – how fast will these phones run iOS 13.0 or later
The new iPhone 11 models are powered by Apple’s A13 Bionic chip, which is the fastest mobile processor on the market. The A13 Bionic chip has two high-performance cores and four efficiency cores. It also has a neural engine that enables machine learning. The iPhone 8 models, on the other hand, are powered by Apple’s A11 Bionic chip. The A11 Bionic chip has two high-performance cores and four efficiency cores.