7 Ways to Find the Cheapest Car Insurance in Virginia

Car insurance rates can vary greatly from state to state, and even county to county within the same state. You may be able to lower your car insurance costs by simply switching your policy to a different company or by moving from an area that has high crime rates to one that doesn’t. In fact, sometimes you may be able to save hundreds of dollars just by making such simple changes in your life. Here are seven ways you can find the cheapest car insurance in Virginia.

Shop around
Getting auto insurance can be confusing—there are a lot of options out there, and figuring out which one is right for you may take some time. Take some time to compare rates at different companies, as these will change over time depending on your driving record, how old you are, and your deductible. Even if you think that an insurer has offered you a great deal, it’s worth checking around to see if there might be something better. It’s also important to make sure that any discounts offered by an insurer are actually applicable to your situation; sometimes they aren’t or require special documentation or proof.

Know your needs
You might think you only need liability coverage, but there are other kinds of insurance that can help. If you own a car, it’s vital that you have at least some bodily injury and property damage coverage—even if you don’t have kids or a home. Without these coverages, it could be extremely costly if someone is injured or their property damaged while on your vehicle. It’s also important to know what kind of deductible you want to pay before an accident occurs. A higher deductible means lower monthly payments, but it also means more money out-of-pocket after an accident.

Add additional drivers
Adding additional drivers can increase your car insurance rates. Adding a teenager, for example, is likely to result in higher premiums. Also keep an eye out for safe-driver discounts. Some companies offer these perks to reward customers who haven’t been involved in accidents or filed any claims on their policy. Consider switching auto insurance providers if you find that one won’t give you a break. You may be able to save hundreds of dollars each year by doing so.

Choose Liability Only
If you are a safe driver, choosing liability-only insurance will be your cheapest option. Liability insurance covers bodily injury and property damage that you cause to others. This is just about as basic as it gets with car insurance, but if you’re looking for something even simpler, liability-only coverage is it. If your only concern is paying as little for insurance as possible, keep your coverage limits at $25k/$50k/$15k per person/$30k total. That way, you won’t have to worry about whether or not your insurance company will cover a serious accident. The downside of liability-only coverage is that it won’t pay out anything if you get into an accident and don’t have enough money to cover damages on your own. If that concerns you, consider adding uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM) on top of your liability policy.

Consider what you don’t need
It’s easy to overlook extras that can raise your car insurance bill. A few of these are insurance for extra drivers, rental coverage and collision, which you only need if you have a leased vehicle or one that’s less than 10 years old. Another consideration is how far you commute on a daily basis: If it’s more than 10 miles, then purchasing additional liability coverage makes sense. You may also want to consider getting uninsured motorist coverage, since it covers you if you’re hit by an uninsured driver.

Don’t make assumptions
If you’re not currently insuring your car, don’t assume that you can’t get a low rate because of your age, driving record or credit history. If you are getting ready to trade in your vehicle for a new one, be sure that you know what your trade-in value is before visiting an insurance agent. The dealer will give you a rough estimate when you take out financing for your purchase; be sure and check it against other offers as well.

Check if your vehicle is covered by rental insurance
In some cases, your regular car insurance might cover you when you rent a vehicle. Check with your insurer and your credit card provider to see if they will waive their deductible or extend coverage while you’re away from home. If not, call up one of these car rental companies. It may seem like it’s too much of a hassle, but taking five minutes to call your auto insurance company and ask if your car is covered by your policy while you’re renting will help ensure that you don’t get hit with any extra charges. Some insurance companies, such as Progressive and Allstate, provide their customers with temporary add-on policies while they rent vehicles.

Overall, there are many different factors that will affect your auto insurance rates. Be sure to do all you can (and be honest with yourself) to save as much money as possible on car insurance. You may end up saving hundreds of dollars each year – and that’s definitely worth it! Best of luck!

Car insurance can be expensive in Virginia and if you’re trying to save money, it’s important to research car insurance companies that provide the best rates. Researching car insurance companies will help you find the cheapest car insurance in Virginia, which can save you hundreds of dollars each year on your car insurance premiums.

No one likes paying for car insurance, but it’s necessary to drive legally in most states. Fortunately, you can find great car insurance at affordable rates if you know where to look! Here are seven great ways to find the cheapest car insurance in Virginia so you can save money on auto insurance every month!

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